Saturday, August 9, 2014

Miniatures - Tying up more miniature projects

Finished up my Norman Knights I painted a few months back - just needed to flock bases and give a dull coat to them. All done.

Warlord and Banner Bearer.

Finished up some EXTREMELY speed-painted zombie for a game on Sunday, that game being Brandon's Savage Worlds: War of the Dead. It'll be our second session and we are looking forward to it.

These are all Wargames Factory Vixens and Zombie Hoard.

Base-Coated some Old Glory Space Mercenaries (the free pack you get for joining the Old Glory Army). I wanted to do some "desert troops" that could be used for any fictional "soldier" modern to future/sci-fi.

I base-coated them in Armyh Painter Army Green colored primer. I painted the boots, armor and helmets in a mix of Vallejo cork brown and golden yellow to get a tacticool "coyote". Goggles and guns in Vallejo German grey. That ought to be enough other than skin colors. Next I will quick shade them and finish the bases in some way. I might add some detail to show that one is an officer.

These are some extras I had on my table. I decided to work on some darker skin, which 4 of these are. The guy on the bottle cap (Reaper) may be my future character in the SW: War of the Dead game. We'll see how that plays out. I thought the female fig (Hassle Free) was a good candidate for a darker skin. Then the last 3 of my Old Glory Space Mercenaries. I'll do these in a "urban" theme and give them black and grey high-lights maybe.

Last but not least I finished  up this Hassle Free Miniatures bikini lady. I'm trying to figure out what to do about the base... sandy beach?

I had this figure lying around for over a decade. He was part of a Ral Partha "Beowulf and Grendel" set. I used the "Beowulf" for an NPC in my Doomhounds D&D (3.0 and 3..5) campaign I ran for 7 years. He was an NPC named Besso that was a friend of one of the player's characters, Otis' "Kronnic", that turned on them due to evil influence of an evil artifact. I never used the "Grendel" half.

I based it in white primer, base-coated in Vallejo aqua marine. Dry brushed on some AP necro flesh... dipped in in AP quick shade Dark Tone... and I got this:

I also detailed out the severed leg in Vallejo medium flesh. From naked mini to this in 24 hours total. It can be a troll or something.

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