Monday, February 10, 2014

Saga Normans I - starting up

I am going to add a Norman faction to my Saga armies. I have my 0-5 Vikings already. Time to shake it up (and see how long this takes me).

First of all sourcing Normans is doable but expensive. Some of this is due to Normans requiring some mounted figs. Fortunately the rules for Saga are fast and loose in the what your figs should look like department. Also, I have spent some money on miniatures already... I have buckets of unpainted and even some unused minis.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago I went through a lot of my collection that sits unused and noticed I have usable minis for my Normans. Here's what I came up with, almost a perfect 4 point (mostly unpainted) faction:

Let's break it down.

This is 1 point worth of "Seargents" or warriors.

 I'm missing one but here is 1 point worth of crossbowmen (warriors).
Some GW LOTR Riders of Rohan that I picked up years ago at some small comic con in Portland. Seriously, I bought 2 sets and have been using the figs endlessly.
 More off the same.
...and one more on a 2 inch base for the Warlord, or in Norman Faction Speak "Barone".

To make up that last 2 points of my Norman warband I could use my Viking thralls (archers) or some of my Viking warriors (spears and shields) but I would like some legit Norman miniatures.

Just to tell an anecdote - the LotR minis set I got was Battle of Helmsdeep I believe. I got them at the Portland Comic Show, a very small "con" that I enjoyed going to as it was local collectors getting tables and you could get great deals there. Guests would come and sign things too, no cost. You just paid an entry like $10 or something. I'd always find Betty Paige collector stuff there and gaming things as well as comics at prices I could afford. The LotR minis sets were in some guy's collection, they were less than a year old at the time, and the MSRP was $32 I think.

He had them marked down as clearance (I went towards the end of the day) and got them at 50% off. $32 for his last 2 boxes. They contained the older elves in armor, goblins from Moria, full-plated orcs from Helmsdeep, Some Riders of Rohan, and a few other "general" use bits.

Cons here have been upgraded... it's all cosplay, $40 autographs, and "dealers" as opposed to collectors.

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