Thursday, November 6, 2014

Saga - Battle of Stonminster (Vikings vs. Normans)

Nearly a generation ago, when the Saxons were friendly to Normans, The Normans gifted them with a church near a village called Stoney Purch. It was a village that had a great stone quarry and, thusly, a great stone church was built there funded by The Normans. The church was named Stoney Minster or Stonminster.

A Norman Lord, Rainulf Hautel, was charged with protection of Stonminster. In his retinue he had many horsemen including his famed knights led by Callist de Balon, his brother in law.

On a spring morning two ships came from the north bearing Norse (or Danes, or Irish… who knows anymore?) who thought to defile Stonminster and it's priests. Lo! Lord Rainulf responded quickly as was his duty.

*meta note: Clash of the Warlords, 3 terrain pieces (church, small buildings, crop land and wall), the rest of the terrain pictured was considered open ground and was ascetic only.

The Vikings took defensive positions in and around the church and also had some men in the woods to the left flank of Lord Rainulf. The light horse scouted ahead and found:
Viking Chieftain (Warlord)
Berserkers x4
Warrior x12
Warrior x4
Archers x12
Hirdmen 2x4

Lord Rainulf arrayed, from left flank to right flank in front of Stonminster:
Light Horse (mounted warriors x8)
Crossbowmen (warriors x8)
Local Militia (levy x12)
Seargents (warrior x8)
Lord Rainulf himself and his brother Callist and his Knights (Warlord and Hearthguard 2x4)

Negotiations for a peaceful end were not met in parley thus the battle commenced.

Lord Rainulf moved his levy into the vegetable garden of the church as they would need the cover of the walls there. Compensation would be made for any loss of turnips of course. His crossbows moved to the left. Both opened the fight with a volley felling a few of the Viking Hirdmen (helms shining and byrnies glistening in the sun) on the other side. Lord Rainulf positioned himself and the Knights to better react as a reserve unit and exploit any weakness in his savage opponent.

The Vikings countered with a rain of arrows of their own that pierced the coat of one Norman who would later die from infection.

Lord Rainulf countered the shower of northern arrows with a charge of the light mounted troops into the Viking archers. Six Viking archers fell, their blood watering the grass, while the other 6 fled into the woods for cover. Still, some Norman light mounted fell.

*meta note: I used Norman Saga Ability Terrified exhausting the Vik Levy and allowing them only a few attack dice.

The Vikings countered with their Hirdmen and tried to cut down the light horsemen but only three fell to the Northmen's blades. The last three fell back to the relative safety of the vegetable garden wall. The left flank went to what was left of the Viking Hirdmen, four in total.

BUT… this was part of Lord Rainulf's plan!

With mobility on their side a push on the right flank towards the church was made. Hwaet! The Vikings on the left were too far out to aid their kin and shipmates. Alas, the fight in front of Stonminster would not be easy and much blood would be shed.

After the Norman push to the right the Vikings countered with an attack on Norman heavy infantry followed by an attack by the Viking Hirdmen on the left flank into the Norman crossbowmen. Though the Norman heavy footmen were trounced the Norman crossbowmen held their ground (though with four losses) and took down the Vikings to the last man.

Before Stonminster was a Viking shield wall six men deep, spears and blades glinting with crimson hue in the sun. The Norman heavy infantry had fell back from the onslaught. From inside Stonminster the Viking leader issued challenges and threats to Norman mothers and horses.

Lord Rainulf held stern and strong though. He ordered a charge by his brother Callist and his Knights. The charge was made and it was true and mighty after a volley from the doughty local farmers and their slings.

*meta note: This was the first time I used both Terrified and Crush Norman Saga Abilities. Wow! What a combo! I spent the Viking fatigue to raise/lower armor. Vikings got zero hits while Normans, on 17 attack dice, scored 12 hits with Crush doubling that to 24.

** though it did not make too much difference in the end the Crush ability 2 per one "kill" was done wrongly by us. It is not 2 per 1 "hits" but "kills" generated after defense dice are rolled.

At the end of round 5 of the game the reality of points had set in. The score was heavily in Norman favor. The only Viking units left on the table were either exhausted in the woods (6 levy) or in Stonminster (warlord, 4 warriors, 4 'serkers). The Normans were to go first in the top of round 6 and I had said I was going to take the victory points and just use my mobility to get far away from Stonminster. My opponent, Jeff, agreed that is exactly what he'd do and conceded the game as there was no way he could close and either kill enough of my Normans to win by points or get to my Warlord and kill him to win the game.

Dang Vikings! Always lighting things on fire!
Some points I learned this game:
1)      Mobility via mounted, when it is handy… is pretty frikkin handy.
2)      Mounted "cons" are: -1 to armor for ranged attacks, cannot enter buildings, and as per Crescent and Cross rules gain a fatigue when ending a turn in rough terrain.
3)      Above average die rolls are a contributor to Norman wins IMO. I love the faction but truly believe they need lucky rolls to win. I hope to be proven wrong.
4)      Turn Phase order is incredibly important if not absolutely required in Saga.


  1. Great battle report! Sounds like a great game. I hope the Normans heaped scorn on the Viking warlord for hiding in a church while his brave lads fell outside... With regards to lucky dice rolls for the Normans, take a look at the Enlightend priest and consider how luck could become certainty.

  2. Enlightened Priest, is that in C&C? I'll be getting it soon.

    1. Yes priests are detailed in C&C. Enlightened priest cost a point, but have a nifty ability that is particularly useful for Normans.
