Sunday, May 18, 2014

Saga - New player and another win for the Vikings

Friday night wargame night at Spencer's. This time Kyle showed up with the beginnings of his new Anglo-Dane warband. Spencer is better at coaching and looking up rules so he "reffed" the game and tutored Kyle in how to run Anglo-Danes.

After setting up terrain and 4 points worth of respective warbands Spencer showed Kyle how to run the Saga war board.

The scenario was Clash of the Warlords - winner is the first to kill the other's warlord... or whoever has the most victory points after 6 turns. My Viking warband was:
Warlord (Jarl Uthrin)
Hearthguard (Hird)
Hearthguard (Hird)
Levy (thrall slingers_

Kyle's Anglo-Danes went with:

The first round saw the ADs move up to the brambles in the middle of the field. The Vs countered and sent in some warriors to face the AD hearthguard in the brambles. Thralls moved forward and slung stones, Jarl moved up to direct them all while the Viking hearth guard made a move to flank on the other side of the brambles near the camp.

The AD hearthguard struck the V warriors hard but lost 3 while the V warriors lost 5 and retreated. Seeing another AD hearthguard unit poised to strike Vs went defensive. The remaining warriors moved in front of the left flank of the thralls and the Jarl moved near them while his personal retinue stayed near the camp awaiting the battle's development.

The ADs struck bravely into the thralls BUT THEY HAD FORTUNE upon them! Only 2 V thralls were lost while the AD hearthguard pushed and attacked 3 times!!

The V hearthguard countered by launching into the AD hearthguard and then attacking again into the AD warriors backed by the very brave but slightly ineffective thrall slingers.

The field is clear - move forward!

The Vikings then charged forward and killed almost all the remaining Anglo-Danes except for the Warlord and one of his bodyguards.

Since Kyle was being taught the game I will not count it as a win for myself though. The next time though... beware the wrath of the northmen.

And then my Normans should show up.

Things learned:
1) It is true, Vikings are designed to drink fatigue and piss a bucket of attack dice. Be aggressive with them, and don't worry about any tricky strategy.
2) Kyle picked up the rules right quick, he will be dangerous soon. He's also a damn good painter.

3) Again, thralls, or levy (as per the general term), showed to be useful though not scoring a lot of hits. Even when exhausted they are still a good holding/screening force that soak up opponent resources and action economy.

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