Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Getting Ready for Enfilade

Got the big Enfilade Con coming up in less than 2 weeks on Memorial Day weekend. I've never been to a wargaming con and this will be my first. I've been to plenty of other cons (OryCon, comic cons of various sizes, one NorWesCon)... (...and I'll throw in all the SCA events I've gone to during my 9 year SCA career).

Being my first, and being a "newb" to historical war gaming, I plan to only schedule a few events and the rest of the time I want to observe and soak it all in. I do want to try out new games as I'm exploring what I like and don't like in this genre.

My only scheduled events I am partaking of:

1) Saga Tournament
I hope to be in Phase I to get it done. Not that I want to get it done with but I want to play my part Friday afternoon. I plan to run a Vanilla Viking faction as Sven, running this thing, added the "kill rule" meaning kills count for points. Viking factions are good at doing that and it's what I started with when I first picked up Saga. Also, since I have a jillion fully painted Vikings ready to go; no painting needed!

2) Forcing the Columbia
Sven is running this one Saturday evening. All Quiet on the Martian Front rules, HG Wells War of the Worlds flavor war game. Martians launch their attack on Washington state via what was Portland, OR and into Vancouver. Humans defend at Vancouver. This sounds awesome.

I'm from Vancouver and live in Portland. This game sounds awesome. Other than these 2 events I'm open all weekend.

I plan to bring some stuff to the Bring and Buy and hope to make some pocket change and shop with that. Regardless, I will be buying stuff whether I sell at the BnB or not.What am I looking for? Not really sure yet, I have to look at my current interests.

World War II Finnish  - so anything related to that. Most of what I want for my Finns I already have or have sourced but if I can find a StuG or some bicycle Finns? That'd be awesome.

Scottish Covenanters - Pike and Shotte ECW being my current historical interest I'd like to find some of these.

English HYW (Agincourt) foot/men at arms/billmen for my future Lion Rampant playing. Heck, maybe some English long bowmen too.

Terrain - I'm going through a terrain phase right now. This will be another blog post but, in a nutshell, I'm being obsessive about terrain. So much good looking terrain out there and my experience and skill level in making such things is not where I want to be right now. Terrain and a "winter" game mat are on my list of stuff I want.

Speaking of Lion Rampant, some of the things I'd like to do at Enfilade, other than shop, is watch and/or even play a pick up game of Lion Rampant. I've read the rules thoroughly but I need to stumble through a game to "get it", as I do the rest of my life.

Other than all that I plan to wander and watch.

I also plan to take part in some camaraderie!! I'm a pretty social guy and I like to have a lot of friends and hang with them. Getting into historical war gaming has exposed me to a whole new peer group and the folks I've met so far are pretty dang cool. Like, "These are My People" cool. I want to party a little bit Saturday night after the Martian game. Not like my old days "party" but still let loose and relax a bit into the wee-hours.

**Note: All pictures in this post I pulled from google searching. I take zero credit for any of them.

1 comment:

  1. Gabe: I'm planning to be there too; will be sure to look you up.
