Wednesday, January 10, 2018

End of Year 2017 List

I have spent the last two weeks typing away into a doc that was to be a "2017 best of..." post and it evolved into so many different things it got ridiculous and I got overwhelmed and gave up on it.

I played a lot of games, mostly Saga but plenty of X Rampant variations and some "bigger" games most of which are from Warlord sets of rules like Hail Caesar and Pike and Shotte, in 2017. Some of these games I painted pretty large amounts of models for. I cannot accurately tell you the number of games as I did not keep track in a log or some such and I'd have to check my blog, my Google calendar, a few Facebook pages, and a few other blogs to come up with that number.

So, one of my reasonable resolutions for 2018 is to keep an actual log and/or journal of my games. Nothing too insightful - date, game, era, rule-set. If something extraordinary happens I'll jot it down.

Suffice to say I've a few focused plans for 2018.

Enfilade this year will be my fourth and I plan to be 100% "customer" at this one. I will not run one game of any kind. My plan is to play games and maybe volunteer some time at the Bring and Buy either while it's open or, if need be, as security after hours. That's my big 2018 Enfilade Plan.

I want to host a big Battle of Lechfeld 955 game at Ambuscade III in December. That means a lot of Normans and Magyars. I've already got a lot of Normans. I have until December to paint up about 70 or so Magyars. I also plan to paint up more Normans than I have now as I have three different (and distinct) painting styles in my Norman collection as my style has evolved the more I did in the craft.

If Battle of Lechfeld is well-received at Ambuscade III than I plan to run it at Enfilade in 2019.

Also in the pipe for me are some plans for a modern era game using Black Ops rules. I've got bikers and SWAT miniatures in various degrees of not done to done. I'm also interested in some post-apocalyptic gaming.

Even further up the pipe is my interest in some tricorn era models and game. Leaning towards American Colonial times and some mix of French and Indian to American Revolution. As of yet no solid plans there.

Something that, if I applied myself, I could table soon would be my interest in the Winter War - Finland vs. Soviet Union. I've a good Finnish collection of models for some Bolt-Action that never took off. Just need some Soviet masses in winter coats to put on the table and be mowed down by skiing commandos and white smock clad snipers.

2018 is also the year I've decided to run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for the first time in 3-4 years... maybe longer?? I am running one of my old groups, The Blue Ribbon Company (all the original players from 2003 too!), on the infamous Curse of Strahd adventure. I hope to run it for a full year. This, too, will involve some minis painting. Right now I've trying my hand at some "scare crows", my idea being based off jack-o-lanterns. A blog entry will follow soon.

So, a year from now, let's see what happened!

I hope your 2017 was enjoyable for you and may 2018 be better.

Edit 1: some spelling and grammatical errors - I have no doubt there is more.