Friday, November 3, 2017

The Player’s Job in Role Playing Games

A follow up to my last blog post about being a GM. First, some quantifications:
Player is a person playing a role playing game (RPG). Many RPGs have a distinction between “player” and “game master” and I will use that.

I cannot quantify the time I’ve spent GMing and being a player. For sake of argument let’s say it’s pretty even 50/50. Consider that when you read what I type. This will also be typed from a Dungeons and Dragons perspective but fits into all of the RPGs I have played (though I can assume not all … but I have not played all RPGs so I don’t know).

A player’s job is a little simpler than a GM’s job but it is, in my opinion, MORE important than the GM’s job. The player is the impetus to the game existing. Ultimately it is the player’s story being told. The players have true control over the game and I think that’s how it should be.

What should the player bring to the metaphorical and literal table?
1) The character(s) they are playing on paper.
2) The rulebook that covers the mechanics of the character being played.
3) Dice for the rule-system being played.
4) Pencil/pens.
** modern technology is in account – 1-3 could be covered by a laptop or pad and render 4 obsolete.

On the side there is the whole miniature equation. Many systems use miniatures as an enhancement and D&D 5e says they are not required but I find they really are but it still could be run without. I’m also very miniature-centric. If miniatures are being used than I strongly suggest the player provide the mini and make sure it is suitable for the game being played – proper scale and aesthetic and et al.

I’d also like to note that if a player plays a character that has abilities that allow them to bring in other playable entities like henchmen and summoned creatures they should be responsible for those also. Luckily there are affordable pre-painted and 2D (tokens) options available.

As I state in the GM-Job blog post the host (it may be a player) has a duty to provide a comfortable space. The player should also not rely on that and provide themselves some basics – snacks and drinks of their liking, dressed properly, other comfort items they may need. Basic social etiquette; I ask that the players I invite to my table provide for themselves things they want. If there is to be a communal meal of some kind than that should be communicated prior to the event.

“Software” aka Things the Player Should Know:
First, know the rules governing your character. Know how to play your character, that’s on you. Also be willing to actually run your character. It is under your control and part of doing this is also knowing the parameters you are allowed to control your character in game. Hence “know the rules”.

I’ve been in many games where players did not know how to run a wizard and they’d ask the GM if their character can do the thing. I’ve never played a game, and that’s a few dozen of them, where a character had to get permission from the GM to act on their turn. Pretty much every iteration of Dungeons and Dragons says “on your turn you can move and take an action”. It confounds me when I see this:
DM – “Player, it’s your turn!”
Player – “OK, can I cast a spell?”

Then you get pure lack of basic rules like:
Player – “Whoo I hit with my sword! How much damage does that do?”

If you are playing, for the very first time, a 1st level character in a new rule set? Sure. If you’ve got 2-3 sessions under your belt those answers should be known by now. I’m not saying memorized, you just need to write it down on the character sheet – most having spaces for that. People saying they are experienced have no excuse.

Just know the rules, or have easy access to the rules, governing the one character you play. No one else knows, or should know, what your character can do. You run it, it’s your responsibility… frankly it is your only responsibility.

By the way, when I’m GMing, I love rules lawyers. They know more than I do and I often pick the player with the most rules knowledge and ask them to be the Player Advocate – they can call me on any ruling I make and we will discuss it using the books and the rules as written. Also, as I state in GM Job, when in doubt just say “yes” and rule on the side of the players. In the future, if it fits into the style of game, I plan to even hand out yellow flags like in the NFL that players can throw down if they want a review of a ruling.

Other than Knowing the Rules a player must Know the Table; in other words have a conversation with the GM or the group about the game that’s planning to get played. Do you want to play in a relaxed Monte Hall-ish Keep on the Borderlands? Do you want to be in an epic three year campaign that goes from 1st to 15th level? Serious and gritty game or something kind of funny? Consider what compromises you are willing to make just to play. Can you add something other than just playing in said campaign? Paint some minis? Help run other table functions like mapping, combat tracking, etc? Do other players want these things?

What is your party going to be like? A team or a bunch of chaotic neutral buddy-fuckers? Do they know each other and does the campaign support this? Maybe the players all want to play wizards from different schools and the GM needs to know this to adjust to keep it fun.

Communication is the jist. Communicate with the table; this is all under the umbrella of social contract.

Furthermore don’t blur the line between player and character. Don’t do things “in character” to other “characters” against their will. That’s not cool. Unless you are playing in a buddy-fucker campaign it is never cool, without the other player’s consent, to steal the paladin’s sword and sell it in game. Being a chaotic neutral rogue is not an excuse and no GM should award that in any way unless it was agreed upon by the players to happen.

This, obviously, delves into some deeper stuff and experiences I’ve had that boils down to shitty players and the whole:
Chaotic Stupid…
Lawful Nazi …
Stick In The Mud…
… trope that is very common.  Bottom line, like in real life, be a decent person and only do things to other people with consent. Play any alignment all you want but there is no “Lawful Ruin Other People’s Fun” in any ruleset I’ve seen. Even if mechanically you are a stupid and evil character there are other things you can do to portray this other than sell your fellow players out.

This is also a part of Know the Table as you may find out in the conversation that some people just don’t like having players at the table that do things like this… so might be a good time to switch up your character concept of find a table that you and your dick character will mesh.

Anyways, this seems a bit simple but it is soooo important. Actually it’s really common to be at a table and see none of these concepts come to fruition.

In light of my last two posts I’ve decide to go into a fall hiatus in playing D&D and to concentrate on some historical minis I’d like ot add to my collection, namely some Norman Knights and crossbowmen so as to fill in gaps of my “skirmish” level Norman collection and bring it up to “battle” level – the difference between Saga and Hail Caesar basically. During this short RPG hiatus I will be planning a Blue Ribbon Company campaign to be set in a 5e adventure like Curse of Strahd or something. Stay tuned and thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Importance of the Game Master In Running the Game

I have a distinctive taste in my role-playing games. After years of playing (since 1979) in good games, bad games, and mediocre games I have defined what I am looking for in a game and in that time I kind of only want to play in a game I will like. One thing is true throughout all the games I have played (not just Dungeons and Dragons) and that is the Game Master is highly important.

Parallel, I’ve recently discovered what will make me an old grouchy man and empathize with old grouchy men worldwide. Basically, I’ve been around long enough to have a solid knowledge base. Couple that with experience and wisdom regarding a subject. Some of us, when we get into our 40s and 50s get this solid knowledge base, wisdom, and experience but we have no outlet for it and it gets frustrating. Not being able to communicate said frustration correctly sometimes we look like old grouchy assholes. I just did this exact thing in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.

Another note I’d like to highlight is that even a bad rule-set can be fun and a great experience if the Game Master (GM) is doing their job. Not even “well”, just doing it competently. So, in regards to “edition wars” I’ve found the answer to be “It’s the GM!”

Without getting into details, the impetus of me quitting a recent game was due to the Dungeon Master (DM) poorly running the game. The group was a new group for me. I was exploring the idea of expanding my horizons of a peer group of RPGers and got into this group knowing the DM was new. I thought that I could maybe lend a hand and offer advice and experience to the group and the DM. After the first month the DM kicked out the only other guy in the group that I was friends with prior to the group forming and that was my second red flag, the first being just seeing the lack of knowledge and ineptness the first few games displayed by the DM.

The game dragged but I kept at it. Many more red flags popped and I bottled my frustration. I even ran a one-shot to give the DM time to “prep” but he never did any prep.

This game finally ended for me this week when my pent-up frustrations came out and I said some things that came out like I was picking on him. I tend to do that. I, basically, called him out on his lack of ability to run a D&D game.

All that said it really high-lighted a few things:

1) D&D Next aka 5e was marketed as making things simpler for the DM and it did do so. That said the DM still has a job and needs to do it. Some people took that marketing ploy a bit too seriously I guess.

2) Ultimately the DM’s job is to keep things somewhat on track. They need to know a lot of meta things like make sure some basic things in and out of story make sense… especially if they are running a game that is above the Monte Hall style of adventure – kick down door, kill monster, steal loot.

Now to the meat of this blog post – things I have found that work for me when I run a game.

Know the Rules:
A fundamental understanding of the rule-set you are using is very important. Many will disagree and I have played in their games and they were poor games. Yes there is the old adages of “we’re having fun…” and “it’s a game of imagination…” but it’s still a game and rules are part of it. 

Rules are the interface we use to contact the imaginary world we are playing in. It is your tool set. Analogy time – right now I am typing this using many tools (computer, keyboard, software, English) but I am speaking freely and using my imagination. The tools are not restricting me, only my own abilities are.

A good rule-set breaks things down in the game into sections that show you how players interact with the imaginary world. Normally you have your social aspects, combat aspects, and special aspects. A GM will need to know the basic concepts of player interaction in that world. Not ALL the rules, just a good foundation of basics. When a player tries to find out where the thing is there is a basic rule for that. When a player wants to stab a baddy there is a rule for that. You should be able to get creative and deviate from the basic “roll the dice, add your skill…” if you know that the basic procedure is to roll the dice and add the skill. You have that fundamental to work off of.

A good GM is also able to talk this out at the table in a clear manner. No need to go off the cuff. Just explain to the player what they need to do to accomplish the thing. The player should know this too (and being a good player is another subject I might blog about).

A GM must be able to speak clearly in front of people. Yes, this may sound like I’m being a dick but it is true. Basic verbal communication is very important. I’m not talking special voices or being an actor, I’m talking about basic ability to communicate ideas in front of 2-4 other people. For some people this is difficult and it does not make them lesser but running a game might be very difficult for them.

I’ve been at a few tables where I heard:
“You walk into a large cavern… it’s a small cavern with torches.”
“They have four arms. Actually it’s only two arms.”
“The cyclops looks at you with its two beady eyes…”

Mistakes can be made but all the times I’ve experienced this it was pretty consistent. GM fiat or hand-waving is noticeable, weak, and utter bullshit when covering mistakes and only leads to more inconsistencies down the road. Just say, “Whoops, did I say the cyclops had two eyes?”

A GM does not need to be an architect to describe architectural aspects of a pyramid nor a surgeon to describe a surgery. One can keep those things simple and concise. The key is clear communication. It also helps to focus on the important aspect, don’t waste time or energy on things that don’t matter.

Social Etiquette:
Again, I’m probably sounding like a dick here.

I’m a firm believer in The Havamal – a Viking poem lining out some philosophy. It is heavy on social etiquette and especially on being a guest or hosting guests. Not going to quote it here nor get into specifics but here are some basics:
Offer a comfortable place to your guests. A dry place to sit and a place at the table for stuff.
Have water available for drinking.
Stay on schedule. Stay on task.
Don’t waste the time of your guests who took time out of their lives to be your guest.

Players have a role there too but, again, another subject.

Be Prepared to Run a Game:
Being a GM will always have homework. How much is up to you and your players and the game but one thing is consistent – have a plan. Kind of like rules if a GM has a solid foundation of the adventure or story deviating from it and getting back on track if need be is not much of an issue.

This leads to…

Say Yes to Your Players:
Learn to say yes. Let go of your ego sometimes and let the players play. Stay within the guidelines of your rules and within reason but say yes more. Learn the parameters of that too. Give the players things they want.

“I really wish my character had a magic sword.”
“Well, the orc chieftain you just killed does have a shimmering sword in his hand…”
*that plain old sword just became a +1 magic sword.*

…but not thisL
“I want a flaming burst bow but only want to pay 30 gold pieces for it.”
*Player exploits and usurps the rules to get a 3000 gold piece magic bow for 30 in the name of creativity*

 I’ve been known to listen to the players talk about the future of their characters, needs and wants and level progression or whatever. I adjust my story (and the loot!) accordingly. After all it is their game to choose to play in. Ultimately it is a story about them they are interacting with. I’ve found that this makes players very happy so I promote doing so.

You Are a Game Master, not a God:
Yeah, that whole “GM is Law!” is bullshit. Sure, a GM does have the responsibility to make authoritative decisions but most people equate that to power over others. As I have learned from people wiser than me Whenever a Person Can Apply Their Will Over Another, They Will. It’s natural and something a good GM should watch for and avoid. A GM has responsibility not power.

This is America and we are responsible for our stuff. In this context I mean stuff you have for the game. Every player has a basic list of things they are responsible for and in the case of Dungeons and Dragons:
1) The book that covers the basic rules
2) Dice
3) Your physical character on paper
4) Pens and pencils

A GM has a bit more responsibility:
1) The above +
2) The book(s) with GM rules governing the imaginary world if not in the “basic” rulebook mentioned above
3) A tome of some kind containing the actual adventure – hand written notes, campaign book, etc.
4) Not required but I tend to lean towards games that do use these – miniatures and a mat or board to represent tactical values on the table while having encounters. If this is so I ask that players provide their miniatures representing their characters in the proper scale << I can help with this.

 Of course modern technological items can cover for these as well.

…aaaannnnd this here is page 5 on the word doc I’m typing this all out on and I have to add some pictures yet! Haha!!

As you can see a lot of this is basic social contract stuff (yes I used to read Forge Forums regularly as well as a few others and what I used to expand my abilities as a GM). I was also going to write more on resources like John Four’s DM newsletter and a few forum boards but that would’ve added a few more pages here.

I’d also like to add, and I have mentioned this before, all the above I know because I’ve NOT DONE IT before and really messed up some games. I’m planning on running a game next year and I am already planning on not being perfect. That said I also plan to minimize any impact of my mistakes on my players out of respect and gratitude, whoever they will be.

Thanks for reading and have some fun out there!