Post tournament I took a break last week. Worked on nothing at my bench.
I point (x8) of Scots Warriors for Saga. I've already a point of Warriors and a point of Levy finished and 3 points of Hearthguard and a Warlord based and primed. I just drilled (add weapon) and based these last 8 figures and I will be off to the races! Old Glory 9th Century Scots with Spears and Command pack.
Bases are Last Stand Convertibles, OG minis glued on, Liquitex texture gel applied. Next step is to glue in spears and then prime them in some Army Painter brown or black base spray. |
I'm finally finishing up these 4 figures, Bronze Age Female Vikings. I got them early this year and have not been in a rush to get them done. I am now though and I plan to throw them into the mix of my Viking Faction for Saga.
Also, a new procedure for me, I've been painting up shields en masse. I hate painting up a group of minis and getting close to finished just to realize I never did any shields. What? You've never done that? I do it all the time!
Anyways, I decided to paint up a dozen shields and just keep them on the shelf. I'll do another dozen next weekend. I find it a good place for left-over paint on your pallet when painting minis.
Dinner time! Then it's Walking Dead Night on AMC. I might even make some popcorn!
See you all next week maybe.